Monday, November 24, 2008

Mom Made Gifts

or even Mom owned businesses....

I "borrowed" this post from my friend Tori, editor and chief over at Thoughtfully Simple. Go check out her website, it's a must!

Yes, the economy is rough, really rough. Yes, we are all trying to save our family some money by cutting expenses…. and yes the holidays are right around the corner. Well, let’s face it they are here. The truth is life still goes on even in this economic scare. The holidays are still here, people still have birthdays– we must still purchase things.

This holiday season I have found a way we an all help each other out. Rather than shopping at big box stores and through catalogs, let’s help each other. Truth is, many of us are mom-owned businesses who are also struggling to sell our goods in this tough time.
Moms who must shop…… meet Moms who must sell.

I mean, if we are going to be spending our families hard earned money, it might as well go directly to one who needs it right?

Please, grab this button and post it wherever you fancy. Let’s spread the word and help each other out. Mom’s are good at this, we can make this holiday season Simple and Fabulous!
Thanks Tori!

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